(smith) This Grumman Albatross, Buno
1020, was based at Port Lyautey in the early 1950's and used for rescue, as well as log-runs
to Gibraltar and Tangiers.
 (smith) A rare photo of a JRF-6, Grumman
Goose, on the ramp at Port Lyautey in 1952. According to Walt Smith, this aircraft and
the Albatross shown at left were initially assigned to VR-24, and later transferred to
NAF Port Lyautey. If this is correct, the number of aircraft types operated by the squadron will need
to be revised upward.
 (smith) Eight P2V Neptunes appear marooned by a sizeable
puddle of rain water at NAF Port Lyautey when this photo was taken, probably in early Spring,
1952. Their wingtank configurations identify these aircraft as early model Neptunes, most likely
P2V-3s. On later models the tanks were mounted directly onto the tips of the wing
rather than underneath. The slope of the aircraft noses is another indicator that these
are early model P2Vs. The aircraft tail markings appear to be "HF" which, if correct,
identifies these aircraft as VP-16 birds.
 (smith) An unusual photo of one of at least two
P4M Martin Mercators that shared the limited ramp space at Port Lyautey with VR-24 in the 1952-53
timeframe. The aircraft tail marking (AG) does not match that of any known Patrol (VP) or other
USN squadron at that time. Note the VR-24 R4D-8 and R5D in the background with "RD" and diagonal strip
on their tails. According to Walt Smith, the SNJ shown here also belonged to VR-24 for a period
of time before being transferred to the Naval Air Facility.
 (smith) The antenna array on this P4M identifies it
as an ECM version used by the NAF Port Lyautey "Patrol Unit or Patrol Unit/Nav Com Unit 32G.
The tail code (AG) on this aircraft and the P4M above, the nose of which is just visible in
the left of this photo, appears to confirm the practice by this unit of displaying bogus
tail markings and BUNOs, when any were used.
 (smith) A close-up of a P4M, which judging from
the reflecting paint, was rather new at the time of this photo, between Dec 1951 and
late Spring of 1953. The use of bogus markings, or lack of any, was
intended to confuse the Soviets, over whose territority the Mercators often flew, and by whom they
were sometimes attacked. The practice of using bogus tail codes and BUNOs apparently
continued until the ECM detachment reformed as ECMRON Two in September 1955, at which time,
the tail code "JQ" became permanent.